Diversity // Action // Equity // Legacy //Community // Inclusion

These are more than just words to us; these are the principles which inform all our actions as an organisation working in the music industry primarily in our bid to eradicate racism in all its guises and to also give a voice to the concerns of Black executives at all levels across the industry.

The BMC has now created and opened its membership in order to create community, to provide all music executives with a space to confide, discuss, champion issues which are relevant to them, and to join the BMC in its long-term work to create a more diverse, equitable, and hospitable industry.

Apply to Join Us Now

  • "

    The BMC’s mission to foster and strengthen equity within the music industry has been a significant driving force behind the decision to partner, aligning our joint ambition to level the playing field; whilst improving the current and future prospects of members.

  • Talking Therapy Clinic chose to partner with BMC as their mission greatly aligns with ours. To support and nurture a community of Black professionals, encouraging a holistic therapeutic and professional service is admirable . We are proud to be a part of this movement.

  • "I feel a great synergy with the BMC's mission of establishing equality and equity for black execs, but particularly artists and community.  This qube shares ambition to level the playing field for all creatives, empower thought leaders from our community.

  • The MMF strongly believe in taking action for positive and meaningful change. The BMC’s vision and approach is fully aligned with our own goals, aspirations and our continued work to empower and educate.

  • Creatives in coaching shares bmc's mission of supporting and championing it’s members and wider community. we also support the call to action for the music industry to pledge ongoing commitment in creating safer environments, positive change, nurturing and supporting the advancement of black industry professionals and increasing black representation at all levels.

  • "From our first conversations with the BMC, we quickly realised we shared a strong passion for addressing the impact of mental health on the music industry.

  • "I love what the BMC stands for and the empowerment they want to give to individuals in order to make the best decisions for them."


General Membership is open to all Black (i.e. of African or Caribbean or mixed-African or Caribbean descent/origin) executives working in the UK music industry.


Associate Membership is open to all UK music executives, of any race and ethnicity, who support the aims of the Black Music Coalition and are an ally.

New Membership Application

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You have selected the Membership Request membership level.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

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Individual annual membership fees are determined by the following factors:

  • Length of time in the industry
  • Seniority of your position
  • Salary per annum 

We have classified Senior executives as those who: 

  • You have been working in the industry for 5 years or more
  • You earn £45,000 or above per annum
  • Senior or Director appears in your job title 

We have classified Mid-level / Non-senior executives as those who: 

  • You have been working in the industry for no more than 5 years
  • You earn under £45,000 per annum 
  • You work at manager level and below  

We have classified Students/ Interns and Apprentices as those who:

  • Currently in full or part time study (proof of this will be requested at the review stage of your application)
  • Earn no more than the London Living Wage (this is currently £21,000)
  • You have worked for less than 24 months in the music industry

No, membership is open to all UK music executives and professionals who support the Black Music Coalition’s published aims and objectives, are keen to promote the aims of the Black Music Coalition, and who wish to be members.

We will be opening Affiliate Corporate Partnership later this year/early 2024 for organisations and business to join us as partnership members; please send an email to info@blackmusiccoalition.co.uk if your organisation wishes to be contacted once this opens.

In the meantime please consider sponsoring for interested employees to become individual members.  

Affiliate Corporate Partnership will mean that music business organisations and other industry associated businesses can join us as partnership members. We hope to encourage collaboration to achieving our aims and connectivity within the music industry. Please send an email to

info@blackmusiccoalition.co.uk to register your organisation’s interest.

General and Associate membership are both BMC individual membership plans. General membership is open to all Black identifying music executives and professionals whereas Associate/ Ally membership is for all other UK music executives and professionals (regardless of their race). The tiers are the same, as is the membership fee; the only difference is that we have a selection of membership discounts and benefits specifically curated to support Black execs and professionals in their personal and professional lives.    

Membership term is for 12 months from the date of receipt of payment of your  subscription fee by The Black Music Coalition. 

Unless cancelled, your Annual Membership will be automatically renewed for consecutive periods of 12 months from the expiry date of your first membership period and each year after it.

You must be aged 18 or over to become a BMC member, there is no upper age limit.